First Worldwide Lemurian Reactivation Ceremony Montserrat (Barcelona, Spain) June 21, 2009

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The Lemurian Reactivation Ceremony in Teotihuacan in December 2008 was the Grand Opening for the full return of the Lemurian Consciousness into our hearts through this series of ceremonies. The upcoming Lemurian Reactivation Ceremonies will continue to raise this vibration worldwide. There will be 7 major reactivations in the coming years. The next ceremony will take place in Montserrat (Barcelona, Spain), at the time of the Summer Solstice this year.

The ceremony in Teotihuacan, Mexico was the opening ceremony for the entire planet; this event in Montserrat will be the moment where the Lemurian consciousness will be reactivated particularly for the European region in strong connection with the Central and South American newly reborn Divine Feminine vibration.

All the upcoming Lemurian Reactivation Ceremonies will hold the energy for a certain part of the planet, bringing up more from the vast Wisdom and Light that Lemuria represented once,  strengthening our long forgotten Divinity and restoring a worldwide WEB of the Divine Feminine all around our beloved planet again. The Divine Balance will be recreated throughout the planet fully by the reactivation of the Sacred Feminine that Lemuria represented on such a high level, one of the highest during our human history.

After Spain, we will be invited for reactivation events to Egypt, Tibet, Central-South-North America, and finally to the Pacific. 7 major regions will be reactivated through these ceremonies. The Seven Sacred Flames’ transformative and healing power will be involved worldwide. All these regions will be entitled to have their own seven reactivations in the upcomings. Detailed instruction will be available for those who feel the call in their heart to participate in the group work of the mentioned regions’ reactivation processes.

Further details regarding our Lemurian Reactivation Ceremony in Spain will be available within a few days. If you feel the calll to join us on the physical or through your heart in a meditation please send an email to with “Spain” in the subject line.

If you feel to know more about these Lemurian Reactivation Ceremonies you are invited to read in the next section of this Lemurian Letter what Adama wish to share with us about them.


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