Third Worldwide Lemurian Reactivation Ceremony – Palenque – Mexico, January 7-13th, 2010

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The very first event of this year with a great planetary significance will take place in Palenque on 01/10/2010.

Our next Worldwide Lemurian Reactivation Ceremony  happens on this very date.The ceremony itself will be part of a seven days long journey through three powerful Mayan sites, Palenque, Uxmal and Chichen Itza between 7-13th January.

We will get an insight to the Mayan Calendar and its universal importance. We will have the time to experience the Lemurian healing, reawakening power of these special ancient venues.The Lemurian  Retreat as part of the journey on 9th and 10th with its guided meditations and live channelings will help to reactivate our long dormant  DNA layers. We will have time to go deeper into the Lemurian Masters‘ special methods to help us to regain our own memory codes and get closer to our own Mastery. The personal reconnection to our healed Divine Feminine will help greatly in our journey toward Divine Oneness  on personal, planetary and universal levels. The special energy of Palenque will have a great impact on this personal and planetary reawakening process.

The Third Worldwide Lemurian Cosmic Ray Reactivation Ceremony will invoke  the Golden Yellow, Wisdom of God Flame and its Feminine aspect to the surface.There are those certain Mayan sites which had a great significance as keepers of crystalline codes for humanity through eons of time. Some of these codes are ready to be opened. The quantum crystalline wisdom of Lemuria is ready to return to the surface. It will appear in our hearts first to start to play an active role on a planetary level later. Our DNA is the vast store house of our ancient wisdom. It is time to get one step closer to our own Divinity. Be an active, conscious participant of the reactivation events. Be fully aware of the meaning of the words of Adama and the Lemurian Masters: The future is in our hands.

For detailed itinerary and cost send an email to –


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