Greetings to your hearts with all the high vibrating love energy of our hearts.
This is Adama, high priest of Telos.
I would like to talk to your hearts because they will have the most important role during all the upcoming events
As you know it, your heart is the key to all the ascension process, which will hopefully manifest in the near future. The fifth dimension is waiting and it is up to the spiritual strength of you heart when could our long awaited encounter finally happen in the physical. Take this message as a quick reminder, because I know I won’t say anything new to you, but I can not emphasize enough how greatly this can influence the success of or highly anticipated encounter in the near future.
Are you really ready for the realization in your soul, that all the things around and within has to be manifested through YOU, through your love, faith, trust, compassion, grace and gratitude? Those are familiar words aren’t they. In your mind, sure but are they familiar in you heart, too? And if your answer is a straight yes, are they there constantly? Are you ready to tell me that all your words, thoughts, and deeds are always I said always related to them?
WHEN your answer is a crystal clear yes, you will be ready to meet us.
This date is there in the calendar, but to be prepared in your mind, it will not be enough to participate. We need more. All your deeds, words, thoughts has to show the way to us. Your hearts have to shine to everything and everyone constantly. You follow your own path while you are showing the way for all the others around you. It is not necessary to know them name by name for knowing them heart by heart. You can help everybody around you with the simple method in you heart, to be prepared to meet us.
No secret teachings and hidden doctrines need you to learn to know your heart better. We are here to help you in this. Open you hearts my brave beloved masters. All the obstacles, all the problems facing you every day can help you to realize and understand, what should you need to improve in yourself, and what can help you to step further, to step closer to us. Be open to learn the maximum from all the happenings which will occur in your life the next few months. Be in intense preparation from now. Your fully prepared heart has to lead you to Mt Shasta on 9th of July. Otherwise it can not be more than a nice walk in the mountain. To meet us please make yourself ready, your intuition will help you how. And we will be there with all of our love.
Your heart is the key. We are waiting.
Adama who never was so close to the chance to see you and greet you on the physical than now, says goodbye on behalf of the entire city of Telos under beautiful Mt Shasta. The countdown has begun!
March 14, 2007
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