Our Ancient Lemurian family is  waiting for us. They are ready to greet us in their  multidimensional city Telos, under Mt Shasta, or many other wonderful places all around the world. They are ready to reconnect, TO HELP. When can all these be part of our every-days’ reality? When can any of us communicate with them on a daily basis, and visit Them whenever ready and feel so? Very soon. If we finish our divine preparation and make our hearts ready for these 5th dimensional experiences. The timing is on our side.

This site’s mission is to help in this preparation. If your heart leads you here, you can decide how ‘deep’ participation  you are ready for. The only thing THEY ask from you is be ready for miracles. If you tune in Their teaching can help a lot. There is not only one method to achieve the requested readiness, however this is one of them which fully monitored by the Higher Dimensional Lemurian Masters

This is a site, a gathering place for those who feel the calling to know more about the wisdom of Lemuria, the most ancient civilization of our human Earth history.

The fact that you are here is the brightest proof that you are somehow connected to it. The happenings these days on our beloved planet and in our very personal life just make the realization faster.

Stay tuned, register our news letter and be welcomed in the awakened Lemurians ever growing club.

Let your heart navigate you on this site.



Adama: Are You Ready?

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Dearest Masters, Imagine things and make them real are different. Before you can be entered on the physical you need to get used to our dimension as we said. There is no new assignment, just to get prepared for it … Read More

Adama: Guides from Inner Earth

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Greeting my beloved Masters, this is Adama speaking to you again. Great and unforgettable times ahead of us. Not because we focus on the future, just because we see the entire picture. Your lives are on the right ‘track‘ so … Read More

Adama: Diamond Heart

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‘Dearest Masters of my heart, this is Adama speaking to you again. It is a real pleasure to counting your linear time’s days with you. We know how keen you are with all your preparations to be here in your … Read More

Adama: Your Heart Is The Key

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Greetings to your hearts with all the high vibrating love energy of our hearts. This is Adama, high priest of Telos. I would like to talk to your hearts because they will have the most important role during all the … Read More

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