Greeting my beloved Masters, this is Adama speaking to you again.
Great and unforgettable times ahead of us. Not because we focus on the future, just because we see the entire picture. Your lives are on the right ‘track‘ so to speak. You should feel it much more intensely now. Your senses getting to be brighter. Actually everything around and inside you getting to be brighter, including your precious hearts. We are deep in the Photon Belt right now, and it has started to affect you and everything around you on a profound way. As you probably know from earlier, the Earth’s entering to here is not a one day long action. We have entered but the full spectrum going to be revealed gradually. This period however, intense enough already, that the true seekers, as all of you are, can start to sense it in their lives. Take it as a gift, take it as the beginning of a much intense period of changing in and around. Dearest Masters you are ready to step in this new reality. Whatever you will hear or get, through any ‘official mass communicational forum‘, use your senses and your hearts to get the real truth. You are able to do it more than ever before.
I always have asked you to be conscious. This was never so valid than these days. You are the ‘keeper of the light‘ and you can get bigger and bigger amount of it every single day. Get used to the idea to hold this huge amount not only for you, but for the entire planet. The major changes on the surface have started and the New Energy kept on the surface and of course below, can affect the magnitude of all these events.
The New Energy has arrived and it helps in many aspects of your life. It helps you to open your heart wider every day, so it helps you in the Ascension process, because this openness will lead you to the 5th dimension. This openness helps to have our connection stronger, too. We are able to be with you more intensely. Get ready for profound personal connections. Everybody has a personal guide from Inner Earth, THIS IS THE TIME FOR THESE GUIDES TO CONTACT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. Ask your divine self to get this very live connection with us in your awaken state . All these processes can get profound intensity from now.
We have waiting for thousands and thousands of years for this conscious reconnection with all of you. This type of connections are not for the channels anymore. And it is here. We are here at the gate of your hearts, LET US IN. The beautiful diamond in your heart show the way for us. From now you have your Inner Earth guide with you. This is the very present. The gathering on 9th of July on our beautiful mountain will reveal more. There are many however who can have this connection without any physical appearance on Mt Shasta. We see all the paths, and see all the hearts, no worry about this. Always be balanced in this New Energy and all the happenings related to it. Balance and harmony in any circumstances, my beloved masters. And as the two civilizations are getting closer, you truly realize that we are with you always. In love and harmony we are with you always…
Adama – high priest of Telos
June 20, 2007
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